Month: March 2016

Glyph3D Giveaway!

I have a few sales on the Unity Assetstore, but no one has left a review yet. Reviews always help sales, so in order to kickstart it a bit, I’m giving away one free copy, via the Asset Store to a developer who is willing to give the asset a fair review….


Glyph 3D update #1

Just a small heads up – I will be posting a small update with a few bug fixes to the Unity Asset Store within the week. Unity will then use somewhere between 5-10 days approving the update.


SVG and Unity

While I wait for Unity to re-review my Glyph 3D editor extension, I might as well look into something else I need. When I play around with Illustrator, and actually produce something that looks good, I often have the need to import it into Unity – as a 3D mesh….


Glyph 3D

Updated with Unity Asset Store URL -> Get it here! Glyph 3D is our first Unity Editor Extension. This extension is designed to make life just a tiny bit easier for publishers and other Unity users to include TTF (True Type Fonts) into their Unity projects.   The extension will load just about any TTF file…
